Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 164

I love so many things about this sweet girl of mine, but I especially love the swatch of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She seems to have new ones popping out each day since we've spent most of our time poolside. Couldn't decide if I liked this one better in color or B&W. So, I'm posting both.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 163

Another day to lounge by the pool. This family loves summer.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 162

Red velvet cupcakes always hit the spot. This was her treat for being so cooperative as we tried to get Eric's Father's Day gift done. Below is a sneak peak of what his framed gift will look like. We had so much fun sneaking around behind his back to get it accomplished. Thanks to Keara for the inspiration.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 161

Cameron decided to strap on the old shin guards and cleats to kick the soccer ball around in the backyard. I tried to get her to kick the ball toward me as I snapped a picture. Well, that didn't work out so well. She ended up nailing me right in the eye that wasn't looking through the camera. She's certainly got good aim. :-) I then opted for a shot of her practicing her footwork instead. (Less dangerous for momma.) The focus isn't what I'd hoped for but I still like the shot.

Day 160

It wasn't until this year that Cameron has really felt comfortable swimming at the pool. She did swimming lessons for the last two years without really wanting to get her face wet. This year has been a whole different story. She's swimming like a fish now, jumping off the side of the pool into the water and coming up with a splash. I'm so proud of her. Sometimes she lets her big brain get in the way of trying new things. She's like her momma and worries way too much.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 159

Mani - Pedi day for Cameron and me. We spent some good girl time together at the salon getting our nails done. She opted for purple with green zebra stripes and I went with a more low key pink with a tiny white flower. I love these little moments together. Such great memories for me and hopefully her too.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 158

Getting back on track with the 365 world. Our basket runneth over with squash. Anyone have any good recipes? I know about 4 ways to cook this summer goodness, but need more. We've been sharing the bounty, but don't seem to be making a dent. I need to find a food bank nearby that will take the extras.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Days 144-157ish

Okay, I'm finally posting the pictures that have been on my camera for almost two weeks. With school finishing up for the year, I didn't get a picture everyday. Like everyone else that has kids or teaches school, this time of the year is HECTIC! Here are the 8 that I took in that span of time.

Storms hit Fort Worth and we even had to duck and cover because of tornados on the ground near us. Kind of scary!

One of my 5th graders climbing the rock wall at the overnight field trip we took them on.

Using teamwork to hoist each other through the tractor tire suspended 5 feet in the air.

Another of my students shooting a bow and arrow for the first time. These city kids had a great time tromping through the woods.

What is a bubble bath without bubble beards?

100 degrees = pool time!

Cameron and some of her BFFs at awards night.

Graduating from Kindergarten

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New posts coming soon

I am very behind on posting. I have been taking pictures, but I have been swamped trying to get the end of the school year wrapped up. As many of you know, I teach school and we are only days away from being done. Tomorrow is my official last day before summer can begin. I have so many pictures from this week and part of last week but just haven't had a spare moment to upload them and post on other blogs. I will catch up this weekend.

I hope I haven't lost all of my followers. I am still alive and will be joining you all on this 365 blogging adventure again this weekend. I can't wait to see what has been going on. I've missed you all.