Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Days 139-142

Day 139 - A bumper crop in the garden.

Day 140 - After the rain.

Day 141 - Working on her report about Gray Wolves.

Day 142 - A never ending job after the rains this week.


Michelle said...

Just seeing that squash makes me want to get out the garlic and basil. Looks like some good eating ahead!

You must be almost through teaching for the year. ---Bring on summer vacation!!!

Jennifer Thompson said...

We've had a lot of rain here too this week. Grass cutting...boo!

karren said...

I can relate to the rain and the grass cutting, but no garden yet. It looks so good!

Kristin said...

I'm jealous you have a garden! It's been so dry here that I don't even dare attempt one, and I forgot and left the tomato plants out in front at the new house and guess what the deer did to them! I have a black thumb! BTW, love the photo of her working on her Wolf report!