Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13

While visiting other blogs yesterday, I was inspired to try a macro picture. I've never tried one before and to be perfectly honest until yesterday I'd never even heard of macro. Anyway, this is my attempt. These berries are on an ornamental tree in our yard. Did I get the concept right? Feedback please!!!


Photography said...

Macro is a real close up shot. I have a button on my camera for it but people have special lens too i know (better cameras). I love you berries!

Michelle said...

I haven't tried macro yet, but I will soon. Your picture looks great!

Courtney said...

I really like the colors of this shot!! I think for it to be considered a macro shot you need to zoom in a lot more :O) Maybe a macro lens can be next on your list :O)

Carlynn said...

After I posted this, I did some more reading on macro. You're right Courtney, I do need to get in closer. I've got a few items on my lens wish list.

Melissa said...

I so want a macro lens, it's really hard to get a shot with a "normal" lens. But good for you for trying!! :) I like the picture though, it's nice to see some colors when everything is so dreary outside! :)