Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19

I shot this one using the B&W setting on my camera. I had to lighten it up a little in Lightroom since the sofa and the pillow were both so dark.

p.s. The fever is finally gone and the pictures & Cameron will hopefully be a little more chipper tomorrow.


Carrie said...

Poor Cameron. But the picture is great! I love B&W. I try not to over-use it, but I think it turns a photo from ordinary to WOW.

Carrie said...

Poor babe! :( Good job lightening the photo.

Branson said...

Glad she is starting to feel better. THe b/w on this one is fabulous!

Courtney said...

Yay! Glad she is feeling better!

Photography said...

Sweet shot even though she is feeling down :-( Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

What a precious photo! I hope she is feeling much better very soon!