Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36

We spent the day signing Valentine cards for Cameron's classmates. Now that she's in Kindergarten she has a few more kids in her class than last year. So, we didn't do homemade ones this year. We found some super cute ones with monkeys on them instead. She really enjoyed writing each friend's name and adding stickers. It was a good way to spend part of our day.


Michelle said...

Sounds like fun. Her hair looks so cute that way!

Carrie said...

Awwwwwwww, this brings back SOOOO many memories. I LOVED getting Valentines from classmates.
On a side note, when I was teaching we weren't allowed to call it Valentine's Day. We had to call it Healthy Hearts Day. Haha.

Amanda said...

Valentine's Day was so much fun in elementary school! I love that everyone gets a valentine from everyone else. I should probably get on this for my Cameron. We have to have them in by the 10th!

Kristin said...

Cute shot. I love the look of concentration on her face.

Photography said...

So sweet! I bet they will be well received :-)

Anonymous said...

LOVE her long hair...it's gorgeous!