Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56

It was another big day in kindergarten. Today was the day that the kids began their unit "All about Me". The unit is kicked off by making rice babies. Each child (with help) fills a man's tube sock with rice to the weight he/she was at birth. Then the parents help zip tie them and the remaining portion on top is sewn down to make the baby's cap. We added eyes, hair, bows, and wrote the child's information on each little rice baby. The kids will spend the next two weeks taking care of this baby and learning many new things all related to them and how they've grown and changed. It was such a wonderful day!

All the parents that helped loved it as much as the kids. We all drifted back to those terrific memories of the day our precious gifts were born.


Photography said...

Oh i thought this was such a great idea! Our friends school did this too.

Keara @ Now I Know What Life Is All About said...

This really is to cute! I just emailed this to my son's teacher.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

That's great! What a wonderful way for the children to learn.

Amanda said...

Wow. What a fun thing to do for two weeks, and what a great thing to learn!

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh, I absolutely love that! How awesome is that. Keep us updated over the next two weeks on how it goes. I bet everyone is going to have so much fun!

Tracy said...

Oh my! How neat!! Love that photo of the lined up sock babies. I would love to know more about this! I homeschool our children and think they would enjoy this project so much! Would you mind emailing me details? I would have loved this as well!

Kristin said...

What a fun project. Please do keep us updated on the details. BTW, love both of your pictures.

Carrie said...

That's a really cool idea!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

What a cute idea! I've never heard of that. Looks like it was a special day.