I came home from work today to discover that my battery on the camera was totally drained. So, I'm posting another picture I took yesterday while on my hike. I wish I'd taken this from a standing position instead of squatted down. Overall, I like the repeating pattern of the fence posts. Rugged would be the adjective I'd use to describe the vibe of the pic.
I've strayed away from the Joy of Love workshop. I wasn't getting any feedback from Willette.
Ohh! I love the angle of this. It's eye catching the way they lead off into the distance! Very neat processing for this photo. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Ohh! I love the angle of this. It's eye catching the way they lead off into the distance! Very neat processing for this photo. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Rugged! Sounds like a great walk!
Been there with the battery thing. Bummer. Every considered buying an extra? I think about it then think about all the other things I would rather have :) Very rugged indeed.
On another note, I have not received any feedback either for joy of LOVE from Willette. Were others? I never thought that since it is a class, maybe she should be stopping by our blogs...
I took a similar picture near our woods the other day. I like the ruggedness of it with the old fence posts.
I actually think this is a great angle for this picture. I'm still doing the Joy of Love. I never posted any of my links to her site so I didn't expect her to comment; however, I have found the last few prompts to be a little "off", so it's been harder the last few days. I do like that it got me to think outside my box for a while though.
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