Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 100

I know you are probably wondering why I took a picture of brick, but I'm trying to get back on the ABC challenge at clickin moms. I thought this time I'd look for the letter in my environment.


karren said...

This is a very creative way to get your letter. i'm assuming that it is an I.

Carrie said...

Very creative! I like!

Courtney said...

Love the I!! Looks awesome!! Good luck with the contest!!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

I have seen others doing this and often thought of undertaking this project as well. Just haven't started it yet.

Branson said...

So creative! I love it!

Photography said...

Very cool!!!!!!