G is for garden. Eric and Cameron planted the last of the seeds in the garden. I wish it would grow like the crops on Farmville and be ready overnight. Fresh fruits and veggies always hit the spot.
I'm not happy with the way the light is on Eric and Cameron is in the shadows. Any suggestions for editing this differently? I tried removing some of the color cast so that he wouldn't be so yellow/orangish. I wish the garden rows had been the other direction so I could have the sunlight hitting them both the same.
A garden sounds like so much fun! Cameron must love helping!
I'm really not much of an editor, but I believe the dodge and burn tool might be good for removing the bright sun on Eric's head. I know Coffeeshop's Perfect Portrait 2 action has that as a layer.
I hope that made sense!
I have no suggestions, but I think this is a beautiful and special photo.
Sometimes we need to let go of our quest for perfection every time we take a picture and just capture the moment and all it's imperfections, I like this photo just the way it is.
I agree with Kristin! I think it's wonderful and the moment you captured is so sweet.
Ohhhh! Garden Exciting ;-)
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