Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 107

N is for Naptime. I'm just not feeling creative these last few days.


Jennifer Thompson said...

That cat has got the right idea. I could go for a nap! Nice shot!

Amanda said...

I wish I was a cat! Nice photo :)

Courtney said...

She looks so peaceful sleeping! How is your ABC challenge going??

Carrie said...

So 'n' is for Not feeling creative... I know the feeling and, actually, my cat is usually my go-to subject. For one, he's still and, two, he's very photogenic. I like your ABC challenge. I was thinking of doing something similar for May. Something like '31 days of what makes me happy'...?

Melissa said...

It seems the creativity is lacking for a lot of us! Keep on plugin' we'll all get through it! I love this photo of your cat and oh man I would love to be your cat today! So tired! :)

Kristin said...

I'm with you and Melissa right now...we must have the 100th something day blues. But this picture of your kitty is still awfully cute!

Photography said...

I like naps too :-)