Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 93

Sorry 365 friends, I couldn't pick just one for day 93. The carnival came to town and we had a blast. My entry for the Clickin Moms ABC challenge is the first photo. C is for Carnival. Thanks to everyone that left me comments about day 92's post.

I love her face in this picture. We were headed to the top of the Ferris Wheel.

She was finally tall enough to ride this ride by herself.

She and daddy did the Dragon coaster so mommy wouldn't puke.

Proof that she's grown. Yay for being one year older and about 4 inches taller.


Branson said...

That first one is PERFECT! But they are all great :D

Jennifer Thompson said...

What a fun way to spend the day! How exciting is it when you are finally tall enough to ride, YAY!
I love the expression in the second photo.

flojomo said...

great ferris wheel shot. Your daughter is such a cutie, love her plaits.

Kristin said...

I LOVE your first photo! WOW! It's really dramatic. I tried doing some ferris wheel shots when we went to the fair and they are terrible compared to yours. I hope you do well in the contest with it. Did you use an action for the coloring or was it just the light at that time of day? Either way, it's perfect!

Tracy said...

I love, love, love your first photo as well!! Wonderful shot and great eye!!! All these photos are so fun!!

Photography said...

Looks like and awesome day!!

Branson said...

This post was included in The Best of The Best this week! http://blmerrill.blogspot.com/2011/04/best-of-best-project-365-blogs.html I am inviting the 10 photographers featured to submit one favorite photo from this year so far, to be posted in a follow-up later this week (and linked back to your blog). You can email me at bloggybranson (at) gmail (dot) com! Thanks for being an awesome blogger!! :)