Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Days 109 - 116

We've been out of town for awhile and my lack of posting shows. I've been taking pictures, but out at my parents in Podunk, America the only internet is via dial up and takes forever. So, here's a week's worth of photos all at once.

Waiting to board the plane

My pop grilling the best steaks you'll ever taste

Cameron and her cousin John Lee

Swinging in Memaw's backyard

My cousin finally found her prince. A beautiful backyard wedding

Nana and Cameron

My brother helping his little guy hunt for Easter eggs.

Granddad teaching Cameron how to drive his patrol boat.


Jennifer Thompson said...

These are all great photos!
Hope you had a great holiday.
I love the expression on 'pop's' face.
Looks like he is king of grill, and he knows it!
The is picture of Nana and Cameron is perfectly beautiful!

Carrie said...

Looks like a great week of adventures. My mom just got away from dial up last year.

texasmacks said...

I think I might have to pay for a plane ticket to go get a pic of my boys on that swing. So cute!

Photography said...

Gorgeous! Looks like a wonderful time!

Michelle said...

What a fun post, it was nice to "meet" your family. I love the photo of your dad grilling steaks. You can tell he was glad to have his daughter home! :)

Kristin said...

I LOVE family photos and am so glad you got such wonderful pictures of Cameron with her relatives. It looks like it was a really fun trip and I bet you secretly didn't mind not having internet for a few days. :o)

Branson said...

What an awesome week of memories :)