Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101

Okay, I'm back on my ABC challenge. Since I've decided to complete the letters in order, today is the letter J. J is for jumping to get a treat. Cameron and I made a trip to Petsmart today to found the cutest Easter "cookies" for Goldie. I made Cameron tease her a little to get the jump (sort of jump) in the photo. It's hard to get 120+lbs off the ground easily. Believe me, I know! I loved how Cameron looked like she was bracing herself for impact.

I promise tonight is the night I get caught up on commenting on everyone else's blogs. When I took my hiatus from the computer this weekend, I ended up very behind and feeling guilty for not showing you all the same love you've shown me.


Carrie said...

What a pretty doggie! Cameron does look like she's bracing herself for impact, LOL! And this is a little off-topic, but Cameron looks a tad double-jointed in the elbows... I am, too!! It's my cool parlor trick :)

Carlynn said...

You're right she is able to contort those elbows in odd ways. I can too, maybe that can be my new party trick too.

Tracy said...

What a great letter J photo. Love that you went to get a cute treat!! I still look at your selfie and just love it. Great pose and photo!

Melissa said...

Do be too hard on yourself. We all fall behind at some point. I do a lot but I try my best to catch up. :)

This is a great photo, I too love her face. She like please don't fall on top of me! That's a big dog. I should go check out those cookies for my pup! :)

Photography said...

I love how you didn't blur this - I would have! I love her face!

Jennifer Thompson said...

Wow, fantastic action shot!

Kristin said...

I'm in the same boat with you! I've been trying to get caught up for days and just haven't been able to get to it until now....at 12:30 at night when everyone else is asleep! Go figure! I love the expression on Cameron's face like she just knows whats coming if Goldie lands on her.