Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 119

T is for Ta-da! Cameron got to go fishing with Eric and they brought home this 43 pound catfish along with another 3 fish. Poor Eric will be up until midnight cleaning fish. I think Santa may bring him a new electric fillet knife for Christmas.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 118

S is for Sweet Treat. For anyone that has lived/visited in a small town, you know that there is often only one or two fast food restaurants. In Texas, one of those choices is usually a Dairy Queen. Along with the usual fast food options, the dipped cone is a must have on the menu. I decided to edit this one using Coffeeshop's Chocolate B&W action. It seemed to give it that feel of what rural small town life is like, simplicity! I miss living in a town where everyone knows you (& your business).

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 117

I kind of forgot where I left off on my ABC challenge, but I'll just randomly choose R is for rose today. An arbitrary decision, yes, but who's really gonna hold me to it? Picture police maybe? I went out to cut flowers to brighten up the kitchen and make the house smell great. When I got out there, I was so disappointed because there weren't any roses blooming. Then right before I gave up, I noticed this gorgeous one hiding down under some other branches. I couldn't bear to cut it so I grabbed the camera and took a picture instead.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Days 109 - 116

We've been out of town for awhile and my lack of posting shows. I've been taking pictures, but out at my parents in Podunk, America the only internet is via dial up and takes forever. So, here's a week's worth of photos all at once.

Waiting to board the plane

My pop grilling the best steaks you'll ever taste

Cameron and her cousin John Lee

Swinging in Memaw's backyard

My cousin finally found her prince. A beautiful backyard wedding

Nana and Cameron

My brother helping his little guy hunt for Easter eggs.

Granddad teaching Cameron how to drive his patrol boat.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 108

It was a VERY warm day here. I think we may have reached 95. We spent the afternoon playing in the backyard soaking up the warmth and trying not to get blown away by the wind gusts.

On a side note, please pray for the people affected by the wildfires here in Texas. One of our friends lost their lake cabin and the fires are not even close to being under control. Fortunately, they weren't there at the time, but the 40+mph winds are keeping firefighters from containing the fires all over the state. Over 1 million acres have burned throughout Texas in the last week. It seems that there is natural disaster all over the country right now.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 107

N is for Naptime. I'm just not feeling creative these last few days.

Day 106

The Texas High School State Meet is officially over. Eric had 4 boys make the event finals so I decided to do a collage of the day. Congratulations to Justin, Steven, Michael, and Alfredo.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 105

I'm behind on commenting on my 365 friends' blogs yet again, but we've been very busy with my husband's gymnastics team. I will catch up this weekend. Please bear with me. It's that time of the year, but I know you will all understand.

Today was the final day of the team competition at the Texas High School state meet. The boys had a terrific meet and finished 3rd. (A school record!!!) So today's ABC challenge is: M is for Magnificent. Which pretty much sums up the year for these boys. Their hard work has paid off dividends. Tomorrow is event finals for individuals. We have four boys competing and we are hoping for some more hardware to wear around the neck. They certainly deserve it!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 104

L is for Losing a First Tooth! Cameron has been hoping for her first tooth to fall out for months now. Today it finally happened. She had the PE teacher, Coach McDougal, pull it out for her because she is an expert according to Cameron. The tooth fairy will be stopping by our house tonight, and we have been waiting for her!

Day 103

K is for killer day on the old feet. Teaching is so rewarding but it can really be exhausting. I am so blessed to be able to do what I love, and the reward (besides seeing children learn) is a nice long soak in the tub.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 102

I just thought I was back on my ABC challenge, but I couldn't resist posting a picture of the catch of the day. Eric brought home a 44lb catfish. My guy is an outdoors man, and when his team's season is finished, he spends his leisure time baiting and checking his trot line (not sure if that is the accurate spelling). His biggest catch was a 60 pounder two years ago, and this big monster is his second best. I think we may have as many pictures of trophy catfish as we do of our sweet Cameron.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101

Okay, I'm back on my ABC challenge. Since I've decided to complete the letters in order, today is the letter J. J is for jumping to get a treat. Cameron and I made a trip to Petsmart today to found the cutest Easter "cookies" for Goldie. I made Cameron tease her a little to get the jump (sort of jump) in the photo. It's hard to get 120+lbs off the ground easily. Believe me, I know! I loved how Cameron looked like she was bracing herself for impact.

I promise tonight is the night I get caught up on commenting on everyone else's blogs. When I took my hiatus from the computer this weekend, I ended up very behind and feeling guilty for not showing you all the same love you've shown me.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 100

I know you are probably wondering why I took a picture of brick, but I'm trying to get back on the ABC challenge at clickin moms. I thought this time I'd look for the letter in my environment.

Day 99

Eric and I went to the NASCAR races last night with some good friends. It was so much fun even though it was 90+ degrees and we were searching for any ounce of shade we could find. I took this one with my phone so the quality of the shot isn't fabulous, but it documents our day. The sky was beautiful right at dusk.

Day 98

I just love this look she gave me. I tried the coffeeshop action perfect portrait. What do you think?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 97

G is for garden. Eric and Cameron planted the last of the seeds in the garden. I wish it would grow like the crops on Farmville and be ready overnight. Fresh fruits and veggies always hit the spot.

I'm not happy with the way the light is on Eric and Cameron is in the shadows. Any suggestions for editing this differently? I tried removing some of the color cast so that he wouldn't be so yellow/orangish. I wish the garden rows had been the other direction so I could have the sunlight hitting them both the same.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 96

F is for fragrant flowers. These beauties came right off of the rose bushes in the backyard. Eric cut them for me yesterday evening, and this afternoon when we came home from work/school the whole house was filled with the terrific smell of the flowers. He may not ever buy me flowers, but I love that he comes in after working in the yard with a fist full of the things we've grown. He would never admit that he's a romantic, but he is! This picture is SOOC, only rounded the edges and added the watermark/text.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 95

E is for expression. Cameron cracks me up with all of her silly faces and expressions. Bathtime bubble beards ended up being an improv act about being an old man. She's such a character. Sorry 365ers, I will catch up on your blogs tomorrow. Tonight the Texas A&M girls basketball team is playing in the NCAA finals. A first for the Aggies. Gig Em!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 94

D is for Daredevil. I swear if I wasn't sure, I'd think she was part monkey. Her dad may drag his knuckles from time to time, but I'm positive he isn't a primate.

Day 93

Sorry 365 friends, I couldn't pick just one for day 93. The carnival came to town and we had a blast. My entry for the Clickin Moms ABC challenge is the first photo. C is for Carnival. Thanks to everyone that left me comments about day 92's post.

I love her face in this picture. We were headed to the top of the Ferris Wheel.

She was finally tall enough to ride this ride by herself.

She and daddy did the Dragon coaster so mommy wouldn't puke.

Proof that she's grown. Yay for being one year older and about 4 inches taller.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 92

I need some opinions please. I'm doing the Clickin Moms ABC challenge. I was thinking this would work for the letter B. "B is for Blue Snowcone" Too much of a stretch? Also, I've never done editing like the second version before. Does it work?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 91

Extreme Makeover: Tripod Edition!

Cameron gave my tripod a new look this afternoon. Guess she thought it needed some pizazz.

Day 90

I'm participating in the Clickin Mom's annual ABC challenge. I know there will be tons of entries and I probably won't win anything, but I thought this would be a good way to get me thinking and help break the creative rut I'm stuck in. Eric and I love getting together with friends to play cards. We especially love to play Texas Hold Em. Man, I wish I'd catch cards like these in a real game.