Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 89

Springtime in Texas is, in my opinion, the most beautiful time of the year. The sides of the highways are filled with glorious shades of pinks, yellows, purples, and BLUE wildflowers! Like most Texans, we hunt down the best patches of bluebonnets to get an annual picture taken. We spent about 30 minutes romping through this huge field of our beloved state flower. I don't know if that country song is true, but when it comes to wildflowers, "God Blessed Texas!"

Cameron getting the flower to stick out its "tongue" when you press the petals.

Loved the sun streaming through.

Jumping from clump to clump.

Running wild!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 88

My poor husband doesn't ever stop working. He eats, sleeps, and breathes gymnastics until his season is over. Right now, he's propped up in bed watching video on the laptop to practice his judging before the JO regional competition this weekend in Houston. I know he will be so glad when it is over in a few weeks. His fishing boat is calling his name.

Don't really like the coloring in this photo. I tried to do some minor editing, but still don't like it. The lighting in our room isn't fabulous. I love natural light so much better.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 87

Today is my 35th birthday, and I have to be honest. I'm not embracing my new age very well. I don't feel older, but I just can't wrap my brain around the number. I've been very blessed with a wonderful husband, daughter, family, and friends that love me. I'm healthy and I've actually dropped 5 pounds in the last two weeks because I've been exercising more and eating better. So in an effort to celebrate this day, I've put myself in front of the camera. Yes, I have more gray hair and some new wrinkles around my eyes that I didn't have 10 years ago, but I wouldn't trade the life that I've been given. A few years ago, I couldn't say this, but today I love me and the woman that I've become.

This ended up being my favorite photograph of the week. Who knew I'd ever get to a place where I'd accept the way I look.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 86

A few chapters of Junie B. Jones before bed. I love to read to her, but I love it even more that she can read to me. I turned this one B&W because the multitude of colors on the bed was a little overwhelming.

Days 83 to 85

My in-laws came into town for the district gymnastics meet so we've been out and about and away from the computer. I'm playing catch up on my photos, and I'm still one day short. I'll get caught up this evening on today's picture. For now, here are the Thursday, Friday and Saturday's photos. The rose bushes are loaded. Shot this one using the vivid setting on my camera. Only cropped it and added the watermark. Not an exciting shot, but we found these adorable new Crocs for Cameron when we were out shopping with her Mimi. Cameron took a dip at the indoor pools where Mimi and Big Guy were staying. We are so glad to have had some time with family. It doesn't happen as often as we'd like because we don't that near each other.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 82

I am learning to embrace the fact that all my pictures don't have to show the person's face in order to tell a story or capture the moment.

What a glorious day to be outdoors. I am so thankful for more hours of daylight in the afternoons so we can be out enjoying the warm temperatures. Cameron and I dug out the bubbles from last summer and chased those little floaters all over the yard. Completely slimy from the soap when we were done, but we didn't care.

I will be away from my computer for a few days. I promise I will catch up on Saturday.

ISO 200, f5.6, 1/400
Click it Up a Notch

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 81

Can you tell who picked out her own outfit today? I thought the sunglasses were a nice touch. She definitely marches to the beat of her own drum. She even "vogued" it up for the picture.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 80

Cameron's bathroom is finally complete. The prized purple cheetah print shower curtain arrived in the mail and it was Christmas in March at the Briley house. After the debacle of spilling paint all over myself as I turned the walls from white to purple and hunting all over Hobby Lobby & Target for just the right accessories, we can now say we're done. I think it turned out pretty cute.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 79

Cameron and Eric are staking a new section of our garden. We are fortunate to have a very large backyard so we've decided to expand the garden. I think we're going to have veggies coming out of our ears. Good thing the food bank accepts the extras.

Day 78

My hubby loves to spend his spare time fishing. After his sport season is over, he relaxes in the afternoons in his boat on the river "drumming up some dinner" for the family. Saturday night we had about 12 people over for fried catfish and to play a little cards. This is a real labor of love for him.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 77

We were out and about and once again at Home Depot when this beauty caught my eye. Ever since Eric and I went to Hawaii in October, I have fallen in love with orchids. I decided today was the day to bring one home. It is such a nice spot of color in my living room.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 76

My wonderful hubby has been working hard all week to get things shipshape around the house and yard. Here he's working on stakes for fencing for the garden to keep our dog and the bunnies out. Today he's installing a kitty door so the the cat can get in and out to do her business. Spring Break isn't what it used to be 15 years ago. Now the week is filled with projects instead of keggers.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 75

I know I posted another monkey bars picture this month, but I'm telling you this girl is OBSESSED with climbing them everyday. I just know she's going to come down with a handful of splinters on our rustic (aka: old, hand-me-down) swingset. Guess I should be glad she's enjoys being outdoors and being active.
Good news, her bathroom is painted. Only catastrophe to report is my spilling paint down the entire front of myself, but not a drop got on the floor, tub, or sink. The Spring Break honey-do list is getting shorter.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 74

Nothing new on the home front. Just a few honey-do projects during our Spring Break. Tomorrow's project: paint Cameron's bathroom.
Loved her eyes in this picture, but I hate that straggler hair that is always falling in her face. She's got these few pieces of bangs that are growing out from when her friend in preschool last year gave her a impromptu haircut. Glad it was only a small section of hair!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 73

We made a trip up to the field house for some family workout time. These two pumped some iron while I climbed bleachers at the stadium and used the track. Acutally, Cameron played. I love the picture of them showing off their "guns".

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog Design

I was introduced to Kevin & Amanda's blog through a friend and have fallen in love with their tutorials on blog design. She's helped me make my own button and add a personalized signature to the end of each post. There are also free fonts to download, photography, crafts, and so much more.

Thought other 365ers might be interested.

Fan of kevinandamanda.com! Free Fonts. Recipes. Scrapbooking. Photography. Blog Design. Tutorials. Giveaway. Everything you're into!

Day 72

Last summer, I found this old iron bowl at a garage sale for $5, and I grabbed knowing it would look great filled with plants. It sat in the yard unfilled until now. We made a trip to Home Depot for some soil and plants. I am hoping I can keep everything alive in this summer's heat.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 71

We made it up to the hospital to see the newest addition to the Gode family. Hannah and Andrew were very excited to see their new brother. I was lucky enough to get to hold him for a long time while he slept. He is a tiny little guy. I am so glad we were able to be there for this moment and for Anna and Ricky.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 70

The Briley house went into full alert this morning when we got the call from Anna, my dearest friend, that she was really in labor this time and we needed to come get Hannah. The first call came at 4:40 then the second at 4:56. By the time you see on my phone, I was out the door bra-less and groggy to get to their house. Anna delivered a healthy baby boy this morning around 11:00. Tomorrow we will take their daughter Hannah to see her new baby brother.

Day 69

We had Open House last night so sorry for the late post. We spent some time on the playground killing time before my students arrived and Cameron and her dad went down to her classroom.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 68

Eric brought home a kite for Cameron and today was a good day for flying. March winds never let us down or seem to let up. The chilly air didn't stop this girl from launching the plastic flyer skyward.

Top 5 photos

I am participating in the Quarterly Top 5 Photos of my child. I'm still very new to this photography thing, but I loved these that I snapped. This is absolutely my favorite hobby! I'm so glad that I've started on a journey that I'll be able to treasure forever. Our Cameron is a special gift that we were blessed with 6 1/2 years ago. She keeps us laughing and guessing when ever words come out of her mouth. She is spunky, smart, and sassy. A perfect masterpiece.

This girl is always in motion and captures her w/out seeing her beautiful face.

I love this one because Cameron is always upside down and I actually got a picture of it w/out blurring.

Snow is a rare treat here in Texas. This one is so playful.

I love this one because it is a picture that reminds me of myself as a kid.

I loved this photo because it was such wonderful day out at the hiking trails together.

Click it Up a Notch

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67

Cameron has gotten where she can climb the rope really well at gymnastics. My little monkey would climb that thing over and over if we'd let her. Her daddy's boys have to do it as a consequence and don't find the joy in it like she does. Lot of noise in this picture. The gym just doesn't lend itself to lowering my ISO to help reduce it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 66

Have you ever felt like you were not the sharpest/brightest crayon in the box? Sometimes I just want to go back to bed and start all over. Today was just one of those days where I seem to have left my brain at home. Good thing I'm back home now and can hopefully find it before I head back to work tomorrow. ;-)

BTW, if your child doesn't have a set of these twistable colored pencils by Crayola, you need to get them some. They NEVER need sharpening and come in a huge variety of colors. Cameron actually prefers them over crayon or marker. Way less messy too! We have a pack that just stays in her backpack.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 65

We had a very lazy Sunday, but by late this afternoon we were ready to get out of the house. We rode our bikes down to the tank (aka. Pond) for some rock collecting. Cameron loves to find rocks that have imprints of shells in them. I thought it be a good time to try a silhouette photo. I took a few of my regular portrait ones of her then I remembered Courtney's post about shooting from a different perspective and forgetting the faces. (last photo) The first picture of the seed pods was color enhanced, but the rest are SOOC w/just rounding the edges.

Day 64

I tried to capture a water drop falling and creating a splash. I wish it had been a sharper picture but my ISO was so high that there was quite a bit of noise in the picture. I am still pretty fond of how it turned out considering it was my first attempt. Next time, I will try it with my tripod and with some better lighting.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 63

I wanted to do a collage of all the new colors popping up in the yard. Some are weeds some are actual things we planted, but all are beautifully created.

Day 62

Blooms from one of the ornamental trees in our yard. Now that all the trees are in bloom, so are the spring allergens. Wish I bought stock in Kleenex and Zyrtec.

Day 61

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!

Not my best picture but this is a quick one of Cameron dressed up as Junie B. Jones, Captain Field Day with her wonderful teacher Mrs. Sandoval as Pinkalicious.