Welcome to my 365 project for 2011. My goal is to capture the ordinary and extraordinary parts of my life. Here goes nothing...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 76

My wonderful hubby has been working hard all week to get things shipshape around the house and yard. Here he's working on stakes for fencing for the garden to keep our dog and the bunnies out. Today he's installing a kitty door so the the cat can get in and out to do her business. Spring Break isn't what it used to be 15 years ago. Now the week is filled with projects instead of keggers.


Melissa said...

Your post made me giggle. It's so true and my husband and I talk about it all the time. Our life is so much different then it used to be (but definitely in a good way!). We always laugh when we're in bed at 9pm on Friday night. haha

Tracy said...

Your post is so true!! We are all about projects as well...seems never ending. What a great guy you have!

Tracy said...

Your post is so true!! We are all about projects as well...seems never ending. What a great guy you have!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

He sounds like my hubby--his "love language" is the gift of helps. He does so much for our family around the house. I'm glad you have a keeper too.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

I like the new look to the blog. I love a hubby who likes to help out around the house. He's a "do for" kind of man.

Michelle said...

Your blog looks great. So nice of your hubby to get those projects done. So true about spring break!

Kristin said...

How nice to have a DH that can actually fix things rather than one like mine who breaks things worse when he tries to fix them and then we have to call in a repair man to fix the problem and the mess he created as well.

Photography said...

It's never ending is it! i like your shot :-)

Unknown said...

We have so many projects around our place! Great shot of a wonderful hubby!